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# Domesticated animals are known to be a source of many diseases in humans. Historically, are there any pandemics that have been caused by animal diseases?


Dr Karen Becker talked about the most common “zoonotic diseases” that are transmitted from animals to people.


Americans own more than 150 million pets.
A team led by Ohio State University shows the importance of choosing the right ones to bring into your house based on your own family members’ health and age.

People love their pets so much that they say okay if they make me sick it’s okay.
However, pets really bring us a lot of health benefits and unconditional love and we don’t think about the fact that they could make us sick. But honestly, we should really think about it very seriously before we bring a pet into the home, for eg. Snakes.
Researchers in this study basically reviewed 300 previous studies to give us recommendations on what is the best pet and how we can have the best health when we have a relationship with our pet. We know that animals are potentially responsible for over 70 different types of human diseases.
Those diseases can be based on bacteria, viruses, funguses or parasites and they’re transmitted either via saliva or contact with mucus membranes skin or faecal or waste matter, from the animal or bites and scratches for the general population there is no really a risk, very very low.
Is it because we’re kissing our pets, well are panzer; kissing certainly that is a route of transmission do not get those slobbery kisses.
If your baby kisses their dogs, the oral cavities of cats and dogs have a lot of different bacteria in them, so it is possible to transmit.
The groups that the researchers point to that are really at risk are our kids. Those under 5 immunocompromised people, pregnant women and elderly, or people who are over 65 years old are the groups that are more at risk. It’s important for those people to potentially pay attention to what type of animal they have yeah and there are certain animals that are at higher risk. For example reptiles and amphibians. Lots of kids have these reptiles and lizards and they can transmit salmonella, to young chicks or ducks rodents like dribbles or hamsters and even dogs and cats. Protect yourself because we’re not going to give them up and we’re not going to Start to Stop petting them and, in some cases, kissing exactly.
Hand washing, a good proper hand washing making sure that your cleaning services and disinfecting, that you wash the bed linens, you’re taking your pets to the vet, and that you’re not slippery slobbery from the pets. And then you have an open dialogue with your vet and your doctor about your health and your pet’s health.
#Do animals die of some of the same diseases that humans do? Eg: heart disease, stroke, or even stuff like meningitis in other animals?
Is it true that some animals are resistant to certain diseases that actually kill humans? Let’s take a look at four of them.

                          The Elephant


Elephants don’t get cancer. They are protected from cancer yet they have over 100 times more cells in humans but why don’t they get cancer?
Studies show that they have 20 copies of a very specific gene TP53, which is a tumour suppressor gene as we, humans have these genes in the body that suppress tumours. They have 20 and humans only have one and that gene is called the guardian of the genome.
Fascinating isn’t it?

                      The Naked Mole Rat


Which is also protected from cancer. They have extremely high levels of something called high ronin, which is a compound that can change cancer and keep it from spreading. They are also protected from hypoxia- the lack of oxygen probably because they live mostly underground there and might not be a lot of oxygen down there.
There are also protected against oxidative stress as they have this highly expressed gene called NRF gene.


also called the master of oxidative stress protection.
This gene which I’m going to talk later about this is quite fascinating because humans also have this gene. This gene has the ability to protect against diseases in extreme environments related to oxidation and actually controls your antioxidant levels which give you protection against oxidation. It also stimulates a very high level of autophagy which can then remove stress damage proteins.

                 The Gerbil or Hamster

Very curious animal.
You might want to consider getting a pet instead of your gerbil or hamster. Because they lived 30 years then you have errors. This pet becomes diabetic because hibernates and then when it awakens that diabetes goes away. What happens when they go into hibernation?
Their insulin just shuts right down so they can tap into their fat reserves because tier levels of insulin block the ability to tap into fat.  Also during the summer months when they’re eating a lot and getting fat they increase their founder or 50%, they don’t even get instant resistance at all it’s only when they start to hibernate the body starts shutting down instead.


                          The Chimpanzee

They’re protected against pathogens by using certain leaves. Instead of chewing them, they actually roll these leaves around the mouth and it kills bacteria, fungus, and parasites, so it acts as a very powerful antibiotic.  Quite interesting how they found out what those leaves do.
Thanks for reading you can check other articles here and if you have any suggestions or anything else kindly write it down.
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